stone-nixonCollusion was the word on everyone’s lips last Friday, after Roger Stone, former Trump campaign official and Nixon aide, was arrested in connection with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential election.  While Donald Trump has long maintained his campaign did not engage in collusion with regard to the stolen DNC emails, Stone’s indictment included details of contacts between Stone and Wikileaks.  The indictment also asserts that senior campaign officials not only knew of Stone’s contact with Wikileaks, but that it was at the campaign’s request that Stone reached out to Wikileaks for information about the stolen emails.

collusionMerriam-Webster reports that lookups for collusion spiked by 1,500% on January 25th, 2019.  Collusion is defined as a secret agreement or cooperation, especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.

Just wondering… does “secret agreement” include a Presidential candidate soliciting cooperation from a hostile foreign government in front of a live audience with cameras rolling?